Last night I was talking to my mom about all the projects that I want to do in 2020. The projects that I am continuing - this blog, my business, my writing. And one BIG project, probably one of the biggest ideas that I have come up with since wanting to compile all my essays on vintage paperbacks into one book for publishing. I will tell people about this later, and it is unrelated to GRB Jewelry Designs, so I might not mention it here. I don't know yet. The point was, I became afraid that I was taking on too much. Whenever I do too much, those things become half completed and then I get down on myself for only finishing half of my idea. She told me write everything out that you want to do on separate pieces of paper. Then, break each down into small pieces, writing down everything that needs to get down for each thing. And then at that point you can research and/or complete each task. I know, right?!? Most of you would have thought that very thing, break things down. I would normally have come up with this solution, however, as those with anxiety know, when you are in your head, you can't get out. You can't get off the treadmill of rumination. It takes someone who isn't in there to see the larger details, and you can see the tiniest details, so tiny that you know what socks you will be wearing on the day that the project will be completed.
I guess it comes back to our discussion on balance. However, taking on too much goes beyond balance. Yes, it is important to balance your activities and projects. When you take on too much, that balance gets muddled - the scales get tipped or they tip over completely. Taking on too much can lead to stress and inactivity - hence, when I have too many projects or research too many popular cultural artifacts for an essay (I am also an academic), these things get half finished or feel like I am not analyzing them to their fullest. I was trying to find something interesting to include in this week's blog - another blog or an article on taking on too much and what happens to us when we do. I didn't exactly find what I was looking for. However, I did find two wonderful animated TED videos for your to enjoy: How stress affects your brain and How stress affects your body. I assure you, they are short, sweet, and informative! Some of the information is scary, and I am sure that you all aren't at these levels of stress from taking on too much in your life. However, it you are, mindfulness, meditation (something that the first video suggests) are good ways to lower stress levels.
Prioritize what needs to get done or has a deadline and let go of other projects that might not be crucial right now. I want to write a novel, however I also want to self-publish my poems and get my academic book written. So, I decided to put the novel on the back burner for now and carry on. It doesn't mean that I won't ever write my novel, it is just that I am not writing it now. Set goals for yourself, and make lists! There is nothing more satisfying then checking items off a list. And celebrate those goals that you have achieved! I hope today's blog with informative. Now, I am going to go and retreat to the kitchen for some noodles! Bye for now!