Hello again folks! If you recall, two weeks ago I posted about my Franken-scarf and mentioned to you that I had more Franken-knitting projects underway. Well, without further ado, here is my Franken-bag!!
You may have noticed that there is quite a bit of different yarn throughout the bag. In some places that was intentional. I wanted a strong bottom of the bag - so that is a thicker yarn. I had to use different yarn for the different sections since I was working from whatever yarn I had! The effect is uneven, and the strap has different thicknesses. Lessons learned on this journey:
Plan! If you are going to do a project like this, plan a bit more than I did. This was truly an experiment, as is all my Franken-knitted creation have and will be. Maybe have only one type of yarn. Now this might be common sense to most people. I thought that using similar types of yarn thicknesses would work. It didn't and I will tell you why this is important next...
Keep track of how many stitches you originally started with. This is really important, I think even more than measuring (even though that is too, is important). I found that the amount of stitches I used for one type of yarn didn't necessarily transfer to other types of yarn, even when it was the same thickness. I guess texture counts!
The amount of yarn... yes you would like I learned from my mile-long scarf. However, I truly that it wouldn't matter with a bag. *sigh* It does! Again for all you experienced knitters out there these things would be obvious to you. I tend to take longer to realize things :)
What came from all these little lessons was ideas for aspects of the bag, like pockets! The first image is the 'failed' front panels; the one on the left is long and narrower than the pocket on the right. The second image is of my detachable strap! I didn't know that I was going to make one until I realized that the bag was really heavy and might need a little extra help!
These next images are of the making of my strap! Me, sporting the extra strap like a Scout! The next images show that again, I ran out of yarn and then the strap was too short, and then I had to figure out how to attach buttons and where they were going to go! All of this has taken me since the end of February to complete! I had fun with this, and the bonus image is of my first knitted bag. Unfortunately it started to fall apart on a trip I made in March (don't have a picture of it pre-blue yarn reinforcement)! That's all for this week, I hope you are enjoying this little side adventure from my usual content! Until next <3