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Writer's pictureGwen B.

2019 - I came, I saw, and I survived!

Hello folks! Well, here we are at the end of another decade. No, I am not going to look back on my decade since that would take too long. However, I want to reflect on this year, since, unfortunately it wasn't a stellar year for GRB. I did learn how to code and design my own website and how to use photoshop, which has been helpful. If I enjoyed designing websites more or had a better desk set up, it could be a way to make a bit more cash, to by more craft making items. That being said, I was watching one of my favourite Youtubers yesterday and they said something that I have taken to heart and I would like to put into action going forward with the business; focusing on designing and creating my products, instead of whether they are successful or not. I mean, yes, I would like them to be successful, but it isn't the be all, end all of why I am in business.

Because I have been so stressed out about the website and trying to make my business more visible, I forgot about the products that I make and how much fun I have making them. I am currently trying to figure out how I can continue to work, as I have multiple repetitive stress injuries in my arms and my desk and crafting areas aren't ideal right now. I hope that will be resolved in the coming months. With that, I would like to share with all of you my hopes for the coming year and what I would like to see happen with GRB!

Firstly, like I said, I would like to focus on the products that I make and definitely try and branch out to more crafty items and accessories! I also have plans to offer items that I hope will help customers to relieve stress and anxiety, since I have been working on these accepts of my life. I figured I would create the product demos, test them out on myself and it they work, offer them all to you. Some items might take longer to test than others, so keeps your eyes out for them in the coming months!

Secondly, I am wanting to re-brand my company. After three years, and wanting to expand into other products, the name of the company will be slightly changing and once the licencing is renewed in 2022, that will be the company name. I am still not sure what I am changing it to, since I am still playing around with ideas, however, once I get the name I would like to stick with, I will be making an announcement to all of you.

Things that will not be changing: I will still be making jewellery and I hope to offer new styles! I will also still be writing this blog every Tuesday. It might not always come out in the morning (as it usually is posted) since I am looking for a job and I have other projects that I am working on. Please either comment or email/message me if you have any recommendations or suggestions for this blog, I am always open to new ideas! Alrighty folks, that's all for me and I hope you all have a safe and fun New Year's Eve! See you all next year :)

Oh boy, did I feel like this kid all year!

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